How about both?
I was misinformed. I was grossly misinformed. It’s funny what you read on the internet. Eager to learn how to grill as a new hobby ten years ago, I latched onto sites that led me in the wrong direction rather than trusting in my palate.
Cook the way that tastes good to you. Don’t blindly trust recipes. Experiment often.
This post is about my preferred manner of grilling steak and my 10 year journey to get here. It is a lesson to my boys, for when they want to impress. It is a lesson for my girls, for when they want to out do. It was a 10 year journey as I mentioned before, and I have plenty of time to explain the details, but I will cut to the chase for now.
Here is a comparison of what the difference looks like:
Reverse Sear
Here is a comparison of what is tastes like:
Reverse Sear:
Smoky, buttery, Excellent
Lesson #2
Even though steaks can be cooked fast. They can also be cooked slow. Take a steak and season it with salt, pepper, and garlic. Smoke it at 225 degrees or less until the internal temp gets to 110. Remove the steak from the heat. While you get the fire raging hot. Then sear both sides of the meat for 2 minutes per side. Take the internal temp, if 125. You’re done.
The meat will be cooked perfectly all the way through. Rather than too done on the out side and potentially undercooked on the inside. It should look like this:

This style of cooking is more like sous vide. It is truly amazing. For far too long I sought after the perfect crust. This method does not provide as good of a crust. I use a Weber Bullet smoker to achieve the results I desire.

Here is a link to my smoker on Amazon: